I really don't mean to hoard stuff. I just get busy and sorting through things is low on my priority list.
Enter my youngest sister, Pretty Princess.
She is a sorting machine.
Also, she is super honest. That means when I try to convince her that I need something useless she tells me the truth.
Sorting day was pure joy for the babies. They got to help pull things out of cabinets. It was a baby's dream! Usually Mommy says, "No, stay out of that cabinet."
Listen, I have something shameful to tell you. While I was pregnant with Lil' Ruthie I was totally off my game. I was sick and tired all the time. Also, I went through a month where I craved McDonald's. That month happened to coincide with "free glass" time. If you ordered a super sized meal you got a free glass. Heck of a deal.
When my sisters found my stash of McDonald's Coca-Cola glasses I had to come clean.
I think there are 13 glasses there. That represents 13 super sized meals. At least EJ ate half of those. Still that is gross. I need to apologize to lil' Ruthie for growing her on that stuff.
As you can imagine, Pretty Princess removed the glasses and found them a new home. I don't need them in the cabinet reminding me of my nutrition fail.
In this family, we figure the more the merrier. So, if you are going to sort through all your stuff you might as well make it a party, right?
When Grammy showed up, she was immediately swarmed by happy grandchildren. Everyone needs to tell her a story at the same time.
The babies want to get in on Grammy time too!
Later that afternoon, Aunt Rock Star supervised the baby picnic. I don't remember what they were snacking on but you can be sure they were "stealing" bites from their neighbor. These three are all paci babies and they regularly steal pacis from one another. I think Lil' Ruthie (who is the youngest) may be the biggest paci stealer around.
Q and Super Girl are such a pair. I cannot begin to tell you how cute they are together. They are just under 6 weeks apart in age. Rock Star and I think they act like an old married couple. They fuss at each other when they are together but miss each other terribly when they are apart.
I have a love/hate relationship with our play room/school room/sun room. It is in a fantastic location, right off the dinning room. It is bright and sunny. It is a handy place to play and learn. However, playing and learning are a messy process. It is especially messy since my 3 year old is a tornado when it comes to toys.
I would like to present to you the play room in all its glory...
I have a very simple and elegant solution.
When my bible study gals are over here I make sure that bad boy is closed up. That way we can enjoy our time without staring at the messy play room. The rest of the house is essentially clean when they come over. One night, one of the girls said something about how hard it is to keep house. She didn't understand why my house was so clean when they came over. So...I pulled back the curtain on the play room. TA DA! My messy little secret.
Back to sorting day.
Whenever Rock Star is over here that play room makes her nuts. She is a neat freak and cannot stand such crazy disorder. I jokingly tell her that I invite her over when it is especially messy so she will clean it.
During sorting day she and Grammy took turns whipping that room in to shape while Pretty Princess and I sorted. Check out the results.
It stayed like that for 5 seconds but it was gorgeous while it lasted.
Thanks ladies for a fun day and an organized home!