Thursday, August 18, 2011

Praise God from whom all blessings flow

The Cowboys and I had a fun morning.  Bubba and Wubba (and their cousins Superman and Spiderman) had their last tumbling class for the month.  After that we went to Aunt Rock Star's house to hang out a little before lunch.

EJ called and asked us if we wanted to meet for lunch.  We decided he would pick up some lunch and meet us at home.  So, the Cowboys and I happily headed home.  We went north on one road and then needed to turn east (or right) onto another road.

I put my blinker on, slowed down at our turn and...

That is when it happened. 

The person traveling behind us apparently never saw our turn signal or our brake lights.  What they were looking at I have no idea.  A witness said they kept going full speed ahead when they hit us.

It happened so fast.

The back of our car was bashed in. 

Then we started spinning through the intersection.

We hit something (I think it was the stop sign).

Then we finally rested in the ditch on the north east side of the road.

The boys were screaming.

I just remember thinking (in slow motion of course), "We must have been hit by a car."

I pulled myself together long enough to mash on the brake and put the car in park.

My flip flops had flown off my feet.

My phone was nowhere to be seen.

I couldn't get my door open.

I found my shoes and climbed into the back of the car.

I tried to calm the boys down.

A darling young gal came running up to us with a phone to her ear.  Already on the line with 911.

She helped shove one of the doors open and we got the boys out.

I couldn't find my cell phone anywhere.

I needed to call EJ and tell him what happened.

A sweet older couple showed up to check on us and they found my phone behind my car.

It had flown out of the smashed back window of our car.

I called EJ and he headed our way.

Pretty soon, there were sirens and lots of emergency vehicles.

We all got a quick look over by the EMS workers.

I think the first deep breath I took was when I saw EJ arrive on the scene.

The boys and I sat in the Fire Captain's vehicle while we answered questions and filled out paperwork.

EJ made some calls and word spread through the Four Sisters Farm Family.

I'm not going to lie.  I made a hysterical call to Pop from that vehicle.  (I guess a girl doesn't stop needing her Daddy in a crisis). 

EJ took us to the closest Emergency Room and we got more thorough examinations.

Grammy and Pretty Princess met us there with food for the boys.

I hit my head on something.  I hit my elbow pretty hard too.  My whole right side and my neck hurt like crazy.

Bubba has a cut on his eye and a cut on his head.

Wubba has terrible marks from the seat belt.

Q couldn't tell us what hurt but he was pretty shaken by the whole thing.

All in all we are incredibly blessed.

I went to the van one last time before we left for the hospital.  I looked inside and thought about what could have happened.

I sang praises to God from deep in my soul,

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow. 
Praise him all creatures here below. 
Praise him above ye heavenly hosts. 
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 

P.S. I don't know much about the other vehicle but I understand they are all okay. 
Praise God for that!


  1. This post brought tears to my eyes - thanking Yahweh for His protection on all of you!

  2. Thank You, Lord, you are all well! God is good, all the time. Praying for continued healing for you and your sweet family.

  3. Thanking God for his protection! Just like my kids pray, "Thank you for angels that watch over us!" WOW.

  4. Ugh...tears again as I see these pictures for the 2nd time. God is SO very good and gracious. I know you all "feel like you've been in a car wreck" and it will take some time to heal from the trauma. I'm just thanking and praising God for His covering over you all. Sign me, Grateful Grammy.

  5. So very thankful to God for His protection over your precious family.
