Thursday, June 4, 2015

Feeling the love.

Today I did something I have never done.

I took all six of my children to Target.

By myself.

I don't normally do this.

For two obvious reasons...


Well, they are big boys now.

20 months and 15 months.

Anyway, I had a pep talk with my Heavenly Father before we headed in there.

"Dear Lord, We can do this! I know that you can give me what I need to stay calm, cool and collected. Amen"

Then I had a pep talk with my children.

"Kiddos, we can do this! No fighting. No fussing. Stay with me the whole time. We will look in the toy aisle after I grab my groceries."

I noticed the one year old boys didn't agree to these rules.

They are known to fuss a bit.

I know, you are shocked.

Our first stop was the restroom.

A lady was standing near by.

I said, "Are you waiting?"

She said, "I'm just waiting on my daughter."

Then she took a look at my crew.

"You run a daycare?"

"Nope, these are all my children." I said.

"Oh." She said. 

I can't remember her next words but they were something like, "that would be awful."

"Oh no." I said. "We are truly enjoying it! They are lots of fun and we are a party wherever we go."

I wasn't offended.

People say things without thinking.

It wasn't nice to say it in front of my children but it gave me the opportunity to affirm how much I enjoy them.


On we went with our Target trip.

We shopped several aisles when a sweet woman stopped me.

"I like your attitude!" She said, "Your tone with your children is so nice."

"Thank you so much for that encouragement!" I said. "It means a lot."

We continued on with our shopping.

We checked out without a melt down. (I timed snacks for the babies just right)

I loaded the kids and the groceries into the van.

Then I noticed this note on my windshield...

I sat in my car and cried.

Two women listened to the nudging of the Holy Spirit and they spoke.

They spoke words of love from the heart of my Heavenly Father.

Words of love straight to my heart.

All I can say is Thank you.

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