Monday, February 3, 2014

37 weeks

Baby E continues to make his presence known.  This baby belly is large and in charge.  I know a lot of women hate this last trimester of pregnancy but I never feel more beautiful.  Don't get me wrong, there are aches and pains and some pretty major inconveniences but overall I love it.
I am beginning to make a real dent in my to do list.  This type A momma likes to mark things off her list!  I finished my Daily Schedules and got them posted on the fridge.  As I started to tape them on I told EJ I should have laminated them.  He reminded me that he bought me a laminator and it was in the basement.  Next thing I knew we had laminated lists on the fridge.  Oh the joy!  EJ and I high fived in the kitchen.  He totally understands my desire to be organized.
The daily schedules will help the grandparents to keep the day moving for our 5 older blessings while I heal from a C-section and bond with the newest baby brother.  I also made a list of daily chores to accomplish so that the house can stay in order.  In my post partum state of mind I won't be able to think about what needs to be done next.  Let alone verbalize it.  There is also a list on the side of the fridge of the 15 freezer meals I have prepared.

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